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Susan, I love how the updated home page of your website looks; fresh, engaging.  I've become aware that you know each of these well loved Lamberts in a familial, intimate way.  Amazing, given their numbers.  But I think I can understand; Ed and I raised nine children and have almost always had the four-legged variety.

And, I know intimately what goes into constructing video, and so putting together these DVDs is no small undertaking, especially given all that you have to do to keep the horses, the other animals, and the property, day-to-day. I know these DVDs are for people like me who are attracted to what you have and do, but still, it is a lot of work.

I hope you don't mind my meanderings as I view the sales and Phoebe DVDs. . . . Criteron: tail up, but doesn't want to pose. Instead, he'd rather be "girlin'," as my mother-in-law used to say! I can't get over that suspended trot and the fun he's having. The timing of the music with Criterion's pace is engaging. His exuberance makes it difficult to imagine that he's gone.

These DVDs should garner awards. . . . Love the movie-to-still shots. . .Impressed that you film them in their winter coats. . .love your music selections: "Pacabel," "Christmas Lullaby" (Loo-Lee, Loo-Lay).

Dante's deer-like moves as a baby. . .his squeak and lick-chew tell me he wants to go to mama! But then there's that tail-up, hell-bent springy run. . .love the last frame! At 12 mos. you were wise to slo-mo to show his balance and energy. . .

Kit Marlowe: so different from Dante. . .compact movement like silk. . .float. . .

Olympia at two, how she keeps her inside ear on you as you film. . .what power in her gorgeous head and neck. . .six months later and in her winter coat, great tracking, and still, that ear on you. She looks to me like she'd rather stand near one she loves than move off. . ..

Phoebe. . .that suspended gait! (Of course, I'm hooked by the background music here. . .what is it? Norrie Paramour?) cute how you have her kiss the lens! She, like them all, just has to flag, right?? Look at how beautifuly she passed the winter! She's glorious! See how she lifts her hocks and drives from under! You conclude her interlude with a feast for the artist's eye. . ..

Andalucia moves like -- even reminds me of -- Phoebe, although not in the same line (last generation) This one has great brakes. .. .her "posture" reminds me of the Criterion photos. . .

Cara Mia's beauty rivals that of Phoebe and Andalucia. . .but then you'd told me her dam is full sister to Phoebe. . .she was filmed on a high-wind day, which contributes to her spirited carriage.

Jubilee Kingdom. . .perfection physically, lines-wise, energy. I see how he draws up under his belly. . .efficient use of power. Love how he follows Shannon...

Indian Summer. . .a Crispin son. . .has Phoebe's face and head-set, yes? That way of Criteron-moving. . .fast forward, head down....highlights the massive Morgan neck. . .drivingdrivingdriving hind quarters. . .

Olympian forgot to put on his fourth white stocking! What power in his center, and there's that head-down of his progenitor. Love how he tracks to the diagonal. . his last still makes me think of your Daniel Lambert picture. ..

Another Crispin son, Barcelona. . .yes, again you have the Criterion exhuberance here, as reflected in that Renaissance musical background . . . .

Calcutta, closer to Criterion, more Daniel Lambert here, look at that craned neck! They add hair swatches to produce a tail that he has by gift! You are right to get the haunches-view to show that power. and yes, he moves like his sire.

Jubilee Lambert, so true to the Quietude look . . .was this the one you agreed would breed well to Phoebe? He seems very sensible. . . .

Merit has a unique blend of the two Quietude palettes and all the spirited movement you capture.

Forest seems to have a sense of himself. . .confidence.

Rio takes me right back to the foundation sire. To say more is to be repetitious!

Highland Trace is more Rio! (Jubilee Kingdom) all those flying changes!

Kipling comes over as a quiet kind; not given to spook. His lines follow those of them all. . .

Tanager, a Crispin son, I enjoy the sight of his extended trot; your still shots of him totally do him well! Cute how his supporting song heralds the next clip,

Shadow Canyon has on his winter coat - what lift in that deep chest!. . .obviously the girls adore him. . .mutual, yes?. . .

And Crispin, who lives on in his get. . does his sire, Criterion. Phoebe certainly moves like her sire! Drive on! I see how he picks up those front hooves while driving under with his rear!

And back to Phoebe. . .that little rearing followed instantly by a jump. . ."Oh, I feel sooooo good!" Tail up. . ..October 2009 in her winter coat, still smooth on the move. Sweet eyes. You're so confident in them, (and rightly so), you dare to shoot them on uneven ground, rear first! All with flagged tails, suspended trots, exuberance. If there's no one ahead of me in line, I am set to speak for either Phoebe or Cara Mia, based on the closer look I've been able to take. All reflect good care, good feed, good water. . .it almost seems a shame to part them from this heavenly place. Susan, I have these beautiful DVDs. . .will write more later, but wanted to let you know they're here and they are lovely! Blessings and thanks, Sara